FLIES.It's not just about the right time and place—I don't buy into that theory. From my extensive experience, I believe there's so much more you can do to optimize your fishing, starting with the fly."
PUBLICATIONS. This site is crafted as a source of inspiration for fellow anglers who share my passion. Here, I've compiled some of my publications, aiming to contribute to something meaningful
I offer a range of services globally, including fishing seminars, presentations, instruction, VIP guiding, hosted trips, fly designing, promotion, consulting, and product development. Feel free to reach out for bookings.
The primary purpose of this site is to inspire fellow anglers! Over the years, I've received numerous 'how-to' questions—about my flies, gear, and landing the catch. While it's impossible to answer every request individually, I've created this site in the hope that it brings something valuable and inspiring. Please note that the fly section is not a webshop, my apologies
Ragnar Hólm ræðir við Nils Folmer Jörgensen um stórlaxana og illmælgina, heimalandið og heimshornaflakkið, fól og
stóra fiska.
Nils Folmer Jørgensen is putting Mustad’s tools within reach of more anglers worldwide.
Are you looking for a perfect single-hand gear set-up for salmon fishing? Here’s Nils Folmer Jorgensen’s preferred tools, how he ended there and his honest opinion on why.