Thread: White. Head becomes proper blue
Tail: Green/hot orange
Butt: Black Ostrich
Body: Copper Orange Holo Tinsel
Wing: Royal Blue Squirrel
Wing: Green Squirrel(in a variation only)
Flash: Green Angel Hair
Wing: Black Arctic Runner
False hackle: Hot Orange/Green Schlappen
Topping: Orange Guinea Fowl
Head: Blue nail polish from H & M

See the story in the tet below.

In Icelandic tradition, a new fly pattern earns its name only after successfully landing a fish. When I first caught a fish on this yet-to-be-named fly, I reached out for suggestions. Haraldur Eiríksson came up with a solid proposal just as news broke about Donald Trump's affair with Stormy Daniels. The name "Stormy Daniels" was born—a fly that attracts old, ugly, orange males, much like the hopes of every salmon angler. The debut of this fly took place in the Vitaðsgjafi pool on Laxá í Aðal­dal in 2018. During its first run through the pool, a massive salmon aggressively took the fly, heading downstream to the Presthylur pool, where my friend Eiður Pétursson was guiding a client. He successfully landed the beast, which, upon further examination, turned out to be a colossal 111 cm monster, securing the title of the largest salmon in Iceland for 2018. This remarkable catch even made headlines with an intriguing newspaper header: "Nils and Stormy Daniels."