LOGNMOLLA grey and black versions

- Thread: White

- Tag: Silver wire

- Butt: Fluo Green Floss

- Body: Silver Tinsel

- Rib: Silver wire

- Upper body: Purple/blue/magenta Ostrich 

- Lower wing: Blend of yellow and orange Bucktail.
Small amount of purple Squirrel and tiny amount of Cashmere Goat

- Flash: Purple/silver Ultra fine Angel Hair

- Upper wing: Grey or Black Arctic Runner

- Upper flash: Midnight Blue Ultra fine Angel Hair

- False hackle 1. Fluoro Chartreuse Schlappen

- False hackle 2. Orange False Schlappen

- Cheeks: Natural Jungle Cock

Head: Lime Green nail polish

A intricately designed mixed-wing fly crafted for challenging fishing conditions. As I write this, I recently fished over Dalsaros pool in the Vididalsa River, trying various flies after my fishing companions. The fish were present but unresponsive until the Lognmolla disrupted the calmness.
This fly features a plethora of materials that create a mesmerizing effect in the water. Achieving the right proportions of the bucktail fibers is crucial for maintaining the fly's shape, making it a challenging yet rewarding tie.
Obtaining the materials poses its own challenge, particularly the uniquely colored purple/blue/magenta Ostrich, which I sourced from Rudi Heger.