Tag: Warm yellow
Tail: Yellow/black Rabbit Zonker
Lower body: Gold
Body hackle: Warm yellow
Upper body: Black Angle Dubbing
1st: wing: Warm yellow Arctic Fox
2nd wing: Warm orange Arctic Fox
3rd wing: Royal blue Arctic Fox
Hackle: Royal Blue soft hackle
Hackle: Black soft hackle
4th wing: Black Arctic Fox
Flash: 1 stoke Copper, 1 stroke pearl / Crystal Flash
Cheeks: Jungle Cock
Head: Royal Blue with metallic neon green band

The pool Skriðuflúð on Laxa i Adaldal. The neck is the classic taking spot

Another addition to my Laxa i Adaldal collection, Skriðuflúð is named after an iconic pool in the Nes area. This fly was specially crafted to tackle the challenge of fishing in colored water, providing a bulky and flashy solution that made a notable difference during the 2015 season.